Where's the beef?

When I was a kid, this was one of my favorite TV commercials.  It always cracked me up for some reason.  While trying to decide on an appropriate title for this blog, I remembered the commercial and was happy to find it preserved for future generations on WikiPedia and YouTube

I didn't think Version 2 was quite as funny, but still worth a watch. 

Anyway, if you're looking for some "meaty" technical reading to start your week, I have a couple of double-pounders to serve up.  Want fry sauce with that?

Mike Volodarsky's Server-Side

Mike is an extremely bright Program Manager on the IIS team.  Mike owns a bunch of the Core Server architecture of IIS7, including the integrated pipeline which enables both C/C++ as well as .NET extensibility of the core Web server.  As such, Mike is an expert on IIS core Web extensibility and is offering up some really nice technical posts on the topic, including:

If this was all Mike did for IIS, it would be impressive enough.  But on top of owning this area, Mike has a couple of other cool projects:

  • Mike is the sole PM and Developer of the command-line tool, AppCmd.exe.  Do a search for appcmd on iis.net or on the forums, and you'll see it popping up everywhere.  It is a very powerfull command line tool for managing IIS7.
  • Mike has been Program Manager of the recent FastCGI component for IIS, and even wrote the installer for the packages to aid in making the feature easy to get working. 

So if you're looking for something meaty to dig into this week, check out Mike's blog.

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