Webfarm and IIS configuration tips/tricks

I was recently talking with some good friends about tips for performance and what an IIS Administrator could do on the server side.  I also see this question from time to time in the forums @ http://forums.iis.net.    Of course, you should test individual settings in a controlled environment while performing load testing before just implementing on your production farm. 

Additionally, some basic counters in for measuring applications is: I would recommend checking out the Chapter 17 in IIS 7 Resource kit. it was one of the chapters I authored. :)

  • Concurrent Connections, 
  • Request Per / Sec,
  • Request Queued. 

I strongly suggest testing one change at a time to see how it helps improve your performance.  Hopefully this post provides a few options to review in your environment.  


Steve Schofield
Windows Server MVP - IIS
Log archival solution
Install, Configure, Forget

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