Contents tagged with TechEd
IIS presentations at TechEd available on Channel 9
Did you miss TechEd North America or TechEd Europe this year? Never fear, because although you did miss out on the live interaction of being there, you can watch some of the presentations on Channel 9.
IIS at TechEd Europe - Madrid - 26 June 2013
Don't miss the opportunity to hear Wade Hilmo, Principal Development lead, at Tech Ed Europe, 26 June 2013 in Madrid, Spain at the IFEMA – Feria de Madrid Convention Centre.
IIS team speaking at TechEd 2013
Are you at TechEd 2013 in New Orleans? Don't miss the presentation "IIS: What's New In In Windows Server 2012 R2" by Ahmed ElSayed and Erez Ben-Ari, both from the IIS team here at Microsoft.