Getting Started with IIS 7.0
I recently delivered a webcast on Getting Started with IIS 7.0 aimed at educating newbies on IIS7 and bring them up to speed with what they have in front of them, and why it is so important that they do it! Reviewing the top reasons to upgrade in 60 minutes or less is like asking a Porsche to governer at 28 MPH. It was stressful, yet exciting nonetheless. A good, non-textual based (like an article - this is great, just some like other ways to learn), review of what differs between IIS 6.0 & 7.0.
Viewing or Downloading the Webcast
The IIS Webcast Series started over 3+ years ago with the goal of simply offering a direct, straight forward, learning approach outside of product documentation or Microsoft Learning from Microsoft. With over 100+ webcasts since that date, the IIS team embarked on bringing IIS7 to the masses. It started in mid-February with our first official Webcast on IIS 7.0 in the IIS Webcast Series.
It isn't a lie or a secret that during this process, I will be researching and learning the IIS 7.0 topics and bringing the experts in as necessary along with you. The difference is that it comes from a seasoned IIS 6.0 veteran with lots of IIS knowledge - a good opportunity to get up to speed quickly with IIS7.
You can view online or download this webcast on IIS 7.0.
Powerpoint slidedeck from Webcast
For some who attended, and others who didn't, you might simply be interested in the slide deck. You can download the Slide Deck for viewing as an alternative to viewing the webcast.
If you would like to participate in live events in the IIS Webcast Series, please check back for information to see the March through June topics.