The Microsoft Application Request Routing (ARR) Version 1 for IIS7 has been released to web (RTW).

This is the official release for ARR Version 1 for IIS7 and it is now fully supported by Microsoft Support. 

Overview:ARR Version 1 for IIS7 is a proxy based routing module that forwards HTTP requests to content servers based on HTTP headers and server variables, and load balance algorithms.  It is designed for web server administrators and hosting providers and to increase Web application reliability and scalability.  ARR also enables shared hosters to maximize resource utilization on application servers and reduce management costs for server farms. 
  • Balance web requests more efficiently across servers to maximize resource utilization.
  • Increase Security and Scalability of Application Servers.
  • Optimize and scale server capacity through client and host name affinity. 
 Download the RTW release from:


What’s new in RTW:  Documentation:  Support:
  • The support is now provided by Microsoft Support.
  • The existing ARR forum will continue to exist and the product team will continue to moderate the forum.

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