Check Out PHP on IIS 7

Making PHP applications run efficiently and reliably on IIS 7 is one of our key goals. The IIS team is working with Zend to optimize the performance of PHP on IIS 7 and the results have been remarkable. In addition to performance improvements to PHP and IIS that make it a fast and reliable platform, installing PHP on Windows is quick and easy with Web Platform Installer 2.0 Beta.     

The Windows Web Application Gallery has a number of popular PHP applications for IIS including WordPress, Acquia Drupal, SilverStripe, and Gallery 2. This page on Running PHP Applications on IIS, has links to more information about PHP on IIS and configuring IIS to run PHP applications at their peak performance.

The security, flexibility, and reliability of IIS 7 make it an ideal Web hosting platform and getting started with PHP on IIS 7 is easier than ever. So if you have been waiting for seamless PHP support to adopt IIS 7, now is the time to check it out.  


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