Dave's Blog
Compression testing on Windows 7 & WS08 R2
So I've done some recent testing on Compression and in the process I thought I should write up a short blog on how to configure adding new scheme's to compression as well as configuring the compressionLevel for each scheme. (I assume that static and dynamic compression is already installed.) You may have noticed Kanwal's blog http://blogs.iis.net/ksingla/archive/2009/02/16/iis-7-5-updates-to-custom-errors-and-compression.aspx and here is his holder post on the topic http://blogs.iis.net/ksingla/archive/2006/06/13/changes-to-compression-in-iis7.aspx as well, our great documentation lead wrote up the API that you can use to implement your own compression scheme/algorithm. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd692872.aspx You can read those articles to learn more about it. If you'd like some sample code on how to use it, please let me know and I'll post up a stripped down version of the test code I wrote.
Where is Execute Permission in the UI?
A lot has changed in the IIS7 UI from IIS6, sometimes it can be hard to find out where to set certain things such as the execute permission for CGI's and ISAPI's. Yesterday, I was trying to get a CGI to execute, but couldn't find where to set it.
Accessing custom properties at runtime through managed modules (part 2)
Ok, now I want to do something in my managed module during runtime that will only read from my custom configuration properties.
Accessing custom properties at runtime through managed modules (part 1)
Following on my last post in developing my module for app-building week, I want to talk about how I wrote the code for my managed module (C# code). So far, I have custom configuration schema that could be accessed through various built-in tools and I know that I can access custom configuration through managed code, but I needed to find some samples.
Adding simple custom schema to IIS Configuration
Let's see if I can get 2 blog posts written in the same month! :)
Recovering FREB.XSL after deleting it
For the next week, I hope to produce a couple of blogs about my journey through the land of developing a managed module for IIS7. Being a test lead on the team, I rarely have time to get my hands dirty with the product at the level of developing modules against API's; it's a lot of fun and I wish I had more time for it.
Task pane, task pane, task pane
In the IIS7 UI, which is the first IIS UI that anyone can actually say "looks beautiful" ... has had a bit of a learning curve for me. I keep forgetting about the "Task Pane", sometimes called the "Action Pane" which is on the right side of the window.
WebDAV coming (short)
Some people were asking me about webdav in IIS for Vista ... and you're right it's not there. But check out Keith Moore's blog on the future of webdav with IIS (I was impressed). Keith's background is somewhat legendary on the team and so I have high expectations for what they will produce for a new and improved webdav module for IIS7.
UNC on IIS7 - time for a refresher course!
Recently we started an effort to again look at the centralized content and configuration story and see where we can improve for IIS7. It was a bit amazing to me that some people had not yet read the whitepaper from Brett Hill and myself on remote content and configuration! :) And sadly didn't understand the value of the "GetLastModified" based caching algorithm for hosters. Anyway, they will be reading the paper and I'll be giving a quiz afterwards to check. :)
3 Years and 3 months
Windows Server 2003 and IIS6 released in March of 2003. Last week, we released a patch for asp.dll to fix our first vulnerability in over 3 years!